Polska Stolica Kwiatów



Wizyta ministra Marka Sawickiego

  • (l-r) Marek Sawicki, Minister of Agriculture, Amb. Lee Feinstein, Mrs. Maria Ptaszek, wife of the JMP Flowers owner, Mr. Slawomir Sosnowski, Marshal of Lubelskie Province, Mr. Jaroslaw Ptaszek, owner, JMP Flowers with JMP Flowers employees.

01.122011Wizyta ministra Marka Sawickiego

On Thursday August 26, Ambassador Feinstein made his first visit to the Lublin area, where he met with local government officials, business leaders, and farmers.   Accompanied by Poland’s Minister of Agriculture Marek Sawicki, Ambassador Feinstein visited the JMP Cut Flower Farm, a greenhouse widely regarded for their use of modern technology in growing cut flowers.  They also visited a privately-owned dairy farm which uses U.S. bovine genetics technology.  Ambassador Feinstein said, “We’re here to open doors to American technology in Poland.  During my visit, I saw what technology can do in Poland to produce beautiful products, natural products, organic products and healthy products.”
